First Lieutenant George E. Albee

41st U.S. Infantry,  U.S. Army • 1869 

Born: Lisbon, NH 

Entered Service at: Owatonna, MN 

Place/Date: At Brazos River, TX,   28 October 1869

Citation: Attacked with 2 men a force of 11  Indians, drove them from the hills, and recon noitered the country beyond.

Quartermaster Robert Anderson 

U.S. Navy • 1863 

Born: Ireland, 1841 

Accredited to: New Hampshire 

Citation: Served on board the U.S.S. Crusader and the  Keokuk during various actions of those vessels. Carrying out his duties skillfully while on board the U.S.S.  Crusader, Q.M. Anderson, on all occasions, set forth the  greatest intrepidity and devotion. During the attack on  Charleston, while serving on board the U.S.S. Keokuk,  Q.M. Anderson was stationed at the wheel when shot  penetrated the house and, with the scattering of the  iron, used his own body as a shield for his commanding  officer.

First Lieutenant William H. Appleton 

Company H, 4th U.S. Colored Troops, 

U.S. Army • 1864 

Born: 24 March 1843, Chichester, NH 

Entered Service at: Portsmouth, NH 

Place/Date: At Petersburg, VA, 15 June 1864;   

At New Market Heights, VA, 29 September 1864

Citation: The first man of the Eighteenth Corps to enter the enemy’s works at Petersburg, Va., 15 June 1864.  Valiant service in a desperate assault at New Market  Heights, Va., inspiring the Union troops with his example of steady courage. 

Lance Corporal Jedh C. Barker

Company F, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines,  3rd Marine Division,  

U.S. Marine Corps • 1967 

Born: 20 June 1945, Franklin, NH 

Entered Service at: Park Ridge, NJ 

Place/Date: Near Con Thein, Republic of  Vietnam, 21 September 1967 

Citation: During his service as a machine gunner with Company F, L/Cpl. Barker displayed exceptional courage and bravery. While on a reconnaissance operation, his squad was suddenly attacked by enemy sniper fire. Despite sustaining numerous casualties, Barker fearlessly fought back, even after being wounded by the initial burst of fire. He remained in the open, delivering a devastating volume of accurate fire on the numerically superior force. The enemy, realizing that Barker was a threat to their position, directed the preponderance of their fire on his position. However, he continued to fight back, displaying his unwavering devotion to duty and his comrades.

In a final act of bravery, an enemy grenade landed amid the few surviving marines. Barker, without hesitation and with complete disregard for his personal safety, threw himself upon the deadly grenade, absorbing with his body the full and tremendous force of the explosion. Despite being severely wounded, he crawled to the side of a wounded comrade and administered first aid before succumbing to his injuries. His bold initiative, intrepid fighting spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty undoubtedly saved his comrades from further injury or possible death. This act of conspicuous gallantry and heroism reflected great credit upon himself, the Marine Corps, and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

Sergeant Nathaniel C. Barker 

Co. E, 11Th New Hampshire Infantry,  

U.S. Army • 1864 

Born: 28 September 1836, Piermont, NH 

Entered Service at: Manchester, NH 

Place/Date: At Spotsylvania, VA, 12 May 1864

Citation: During a battle, when six color bearers of the regiment were killed, a brave soldier stepped forward and took on the responsibility of carrying both flags of the regiment throughout the rest of the battle. This display of courage and selflessness is a testament to the bravery and dedication of our soldiers in the face of danger.

Lt. Col. & Chief Quartermaster 

Richard N. Batchelder 

2nd Corps, U.S. Army • 1863 

Born: 27 July 1832, Meredith, NH 

Entered Service at: Manchester, NH 

Place/Date: Between Catlett and 

Fairfax Stations, VA, 13-15 October 1863

Citation: Being ordered to move his trains by a continuous day-and-night march, and without the usual military escort, armed his teamsters and personally commanded them, successfully fighting against heavy odds and bringing his trains through without the loss of a wagon..

Private John W. Boutwell 

Company B, 18th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1865 

Born:  03 August 1844 Hanover, NH 

Entered Service at: West Lebanon, NH 

Place/Date: At Petersburg, VA, 2 April 1865

Citation: Brought off from the picket line,  under heavy fire, a comrade who had been shot through both legs. 

Private James Brady 

Company F, 10th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1864 

Born: Boston, MA 

Entered Service at: Kingston, NH 

Place/Date: At Chapins Farm, VA  

29 September 1864

Citation:  Capture of the enemy flag.   

Private Carlton N. Camp 

Company B, 18th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1865 

Born: Hanover, NH 

Entered Service at: Hanover, NH 

Place/Date: At Petersburg, VA, 2 April 1865 

Citation:  With the help of Private John Boutwell, brought off from the picket line, under heavy fire, a comrade who had been shot through both legs.

Sergeant Chris Carr 

(aka Christos Karaberis) 

Company L, 337Th Infantry, 85Th 

Infantry Division, U.S. Army • 1944 Born: Manchester, NH 

Entered Service at: Manchester, NH 

Place/Date: Near Guignola, Italy, 1-2 October 1944

Citation:  Sergeant Chris Carr (aka Christos Karaberis) of Company L, 337th Infantry, 85th Infantry Division, U.S. Army, is known for his bravery during the Battle of Guignola in Italy on October 1-2, 1944. Carr led his squad in clearing the way for his company's approach towards their objective, the Casoni di Remagna, while under heavy fire from enemy mortars, machine guns, machine pistols, and rifles. When his platoon was pinned down, he climbed in advance of his squad to locate and eliminate enemy gun positions. Despite deadly fire, he captured 8 prisoners in a surprise attack and turned them over to his squad before striking out alone for a second machine gun. He was discovered in his advance and subjected to direct fire from the hostile weapon but leaped to his feet and ran forward, pouring automatic fire into the emplacement, killing 4 of its defenders and forcing the surrender of a lone survivor. He again moved forward through heavy fire to attack a third machine gun, and when close to the emplacement, he closed with a nerve-shattering shout and burst of fire. All 4 gunners immediately surrendered. Carr then charged the first of two machine guns firing on his company and killed 4 of the crew and captured 3 more. The 6 defenders of the adjacent position immediately gave up, cowed by the savagery of his assault. By his one-man attack, heroically and voluntarily undertaken in the face of tremendous risks, Sgt. Karaberis captured 5 enemy machine gun positions, killed 8 Germans, took 22 prisoners, cleared the ridge leading to his company's objective, and drove a deep wedge into the enemy line, making it possible for his battalion to occupy important, commanding ground.

Captain Clinton A. Cilley 

Company C, 2nd Minnesota Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1863 

Born: Rockingham County, NH 

Entered Service at: Sasioja, MN 

Place/Date: At Chickamauga, GA, 

20 September 1863

Citation:   Seized the colors of a retreating regiment and led it into the thick of the attack. 

Sergeant Major Abraham Cohn 

6thNew Hampshire Infantry,  

U.S. Army • 1864 

Born: Guttentag, Silesia, Prussia 

Entered Service at: Campton, NH 

Place/Date: At Wilderness, VA 6 May 1864  

and At the mine, Petersburg, VA 30 July 1864

Citation: During Battle of the Wilderness rallied  and formed, under heavy fire, disorganized and  fleeing troops of different regiments. At Petersburg,  Va., 30 July 1864, bravely and coolly carried orders to the  advanced line under severe fire. 

Sergeant Carlos W. Colby 

Company G, 97th Illinois Infantry,  

U.S. Army • 1863 

Born: Merrimack, NH 

Entered Service at: Madison, County, IL 

Place/Date: At Vicksburg, MS, 22 May 1863

Citation: Gallantry in charge  of the “volunteer storming party.” 

Second Lt Charles D. Copp 

Company C, 9th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1862 

Born: 12 April 1840, New Hampshire 

Entered Service at: Nashua, NH 

Place/Date: At Fredericksburg, VA,  

13 December 1862

Citation: Seized the regimental colors, the color bearer having been shot down, and, waving them, rallied the regiment under heavy fire. 

Lieutenant Colonel John Coughlin 

10th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1864 

Born: Vermont 

Entered Service at: Manchester, NH 

Place/Date: At Swifts Creek VA, 9 May 1864 

Citation: During a sudden night attack upon Burnham’s  Brigade, resulting in much confusion, this officer, without waiting for orders, led his regiment forward and interposed a line of battle between the advancing enemy and Hunt’s  Battery, repulsing the attack and saving the guns.

Sergeant Samuel H. Craig 

Company D, 4th U.S. Cavalry, 

U.S. Army • 1886 

Born: New Market, NH 

Entered Service at: Chicago, IL 

Place/Date: At Santa Cruz Mountains,  

Mexico, 15 May 1886 

Citation:  Conspicuous gallantry during an attack  on a hostile Apache Indian Camp; seriously wounded.

Major Byron M. Cutcheon 

20th Michigan Infantry,  

U.S. Army • 1863 

Born: 11 May 1836, Pembroke, NH 

Entered Service at : Ypsilanti, MI 

Place/Date: At Horseshoe Bend, KY,  

10 May 1863 

Citation:  Distinguished gallantry in leading his regiment in a charge on a house occupied by the enemy.

Private First Class George Dilboy 

Company H, 103rd Infantry, 26th Division 

U.S. Army • 1918 

Born: Greece 

Entered Service at: Keene, NH 

Place/Date: Near Belleau, France, 

18 July 1918 

Citation: After his platoon had gained its objective along a railroad embankment, Pfc. Dilboy, accompanying his platoon leader to reconnoiter the ground beyond, was suddenly fired upon by an enemy machinegun from 100 yards. From a standing position on the railroad track, fully exposed to view, he opened fire at once, but failing to silence the gun, rushed forward with his bayonet fixed, through a wheat field toward the gun emplacement, falling within 25 yards of the gun with his right leg nearly severed above the knee and with several bullet holes in his body. With undaunted courage he continued to fire into the emplacement from a prone position, killing 2 of the enemy and dispersing the rest of the crew.

Private Michael A. Dillion 

Company G, 2nd New Hampshire Infantry,  

U.S. Army • 1862 

Born: Chelmsford, MA 

Entered Service at: Wilton, NH 

Place/Date: At Williamsburg, VA, 5 May 1862  

and at Oak Grove, VA, 25 June 1862 

Citation: Bravery in repulsing the enemy’s charge on a battery, at Williamsburg, Va. At Oak Grove, Va., crawled outside the lines and brought in important information.

Sergeant George P. Dow 

Company C, 7th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1864 

Born: Atkinson, NH 

Entered Service at: Manchester, NH 

Place/Date: Near Richmond, VA,  

October 1864 

Citation: Gallantry while in command of his company during a reconnaissance toward Richmond.

Sergeant Russell C. Elliot

Company B, 3rd Massachusetts Cavalry, 

U.S. Army • 1864 

Born: Concord, NH 

Entered Service at : Boston, MA 

Place/Date: At Natchitoches, LA, 

19 April 1864

Citation:  Seeing a Confederate officer in advance of his command, charged on him alone and unaided and captured him. 

Captain Ira H. Evans 

Company B, 116 th U.S. Colored Troops, 

U.S. Army • 1865 

Born: 11 April 1844, Piermont, NH 

Entered Service at: Barre, VT 

Place/Date: At Hatchers Run, VA, 2 April 1865

Citation: Voluntarily passed between the lines, under a heavy fire from the enemy, and obtained important information

Color Sergeant Benjamin F. Falls 

Company A, 19 th Massachusetts Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1863 

Born: Portsmouth, NH 

Entered Service at: Lynn, MA 

Place/Date: At Gettysburg, PA, 3 July 1863

Citation: Capture of the enemy flag.

Signal Quartermaster Charles H. Foy

U.S. Navy • 1865

Born: Portsmouth, NH

Accredited to: New Hampshire

Citation: Served on board the U.S.S. Rhode Island during action with Fort Fisher and the Federal Point batteries, 13 to 15 January 1865. Carrying out his duties courageously during the battle, Foy continued to be outstanding by his good conduct and faithful services throughout this engagement which resulted in a heavy casualty list when an attempt was made to storm Fort Fisher.

Quartermaster Frederick Franklin

U.S. Navy • 1871

Born: Portsmouth, NH

Accredited to: New Hampshire

Citation: On board the U.S.S. Colorado during the attack and capture of the Korean forts on 11 June 1871. Assuming command of Company D, after Lt. McKee was wounded, Franklin handled the compa- ny with great credit until relieved

Private Richard J. Gage

Company D, 104th Illinois Infantry,

U.S. Army • 1863

Born: Grafton County, NH 

Entered Service at: Ottowa, IL 

Place/Date: Elk River, TN, 2 July 1863

Citation: Voluntarily joined a small party that, under a heavy fire, captured a stockade and saved the bridge

Ordinary Seaman Daniel G. George

 (William Smith)

U.S. Navy • 1864

Born: 1840, Plaistow, NH 

Accredited to: New Hampshire

Citation: George served on board U.S. Picket Boat No. 1, in action 27 October 1864, against the Confederate ram, Albe-Marle, which had resisted repeated attacks by our steamers and had kept a large force of vessels employed in watching her. The picket boat, equipped with a spar torpedo, succeeded in passing the enemy pickets within 20 yards without being discovered and then made for the Albemarle under a full head of steam. Immediately taken under fire by the ram, the small boat plunged on, jumped the log boom that encircled the target, and exploded its torpedo under the port bow of the ram. The picket boat was destroyed by enemy fire and almost the entire crew was taken prisoner or lost.

First Sergeant Francis H. Goodall

Company G, 11th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1862

Born: Bath, NH 

Entered Service at: Bath, NH 

Place/Date: At Fredericksburg, VA, 13 December 1862

Citation: With the assistance of another soldier brought a wounded comrade into the lines, under heavy fire.

Sergeant Edward P. Grimes

Company F, 5th U.S. Cavalry, 

U.S. Army • 1879 

Born: Dover, NH 

Entered Service at: Boston, MA 

Place/Date: At Milk River, CO, 29 September to 5 October 1879

Citation:  The command being almost out of ammunition and surrounded on 3 sides by the enemy, he voluntarily brought up a supply under heavy fire at almost point-blank range

Corporal John Haddoo

Company B, 5 th U.S. Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1877

Entered Service at: Hooksett, NH 

Place/Date: At Cedar Creek, etc, MT, 

October 1876 to 8 January 1877

Citation:  Gallantry in action.

Corporal Osgood T. Hadley

Company E, 6th New Hampshire Veteran Infantry,

U.S. Army • 1864

Born: Nashua, NH

Place/Date: Near Pegram House, VA.

 30 September 1864

Citation:  As color bearer of his regiment he defended his colors with great personal gallantry and brought them safely out of the action.

Carpenter’s Mate Mark G. Ham

Company E, 6th New Hampshire Veteran Infantry,

U.S. Navy • 1864

Born: 1820, Portsmouth, NH

Accredited to: New Hampshire

Citation:  Served on board the U.S.S. Kearsarge when she destroyed the Alabama off Cherbourg, France, 19 June 1864. Performing his duties intelligently and faithfully, Ham distinguished himself in the face of the bitter enemy fire and was highly commended by his divisional officer.

First Lieutenant Moses Harris

1st U.S. Cavalry,

U.S. Army • 1864

Born: Andover, NH

Entered Service at: New Hampshire

Date/Place: At Smithfield,

Citation:  In an attack upon a largely superior force, his personal gallantry was so conspicuous as to inspire the men to extraordinary efforts, resulting in complete rout of the enemy.

Seaman Charles Hawkins

U.S. Navy • 1864

Born: 1834, Scotland

Accredited To: New Hampshire

Citation:  Hawkins served on board the U.S.S. Agawam, as one of a volunteer crew of a powderboat that exploded near Fort Fisher, 23 December 1864. The powderboat, towed in by the Wilderness to prevent detection by the enemy, cast off and slowly steamed to within 300 yards of the beach. After fuses and fires had been lit and a second anchor with short scope let go to assure the boat’s tailing inshore, the crew again boarded the Wilderness and proceeded a distance of 12 miles from shore. Less than 2 hours later the explosion took place, and the following day fires were observed still burning at the forts.

Boatswain’s Mate First Class

William E. Holyoke

Company F, 5th U.S. Cavalry, 

U.S. Navy • 1900

Born: 13 March 1868, Groveton, NH

Accredited to: Illinois

Citation:  In action with the relief expedition of the allied forces in China, 13, 20, 21 and 22 June 1900. During this period and in the presence of the enemy, Holyoke distinguished himself by meritorious conduct 

Landsman John Jones

U.S. Navy • 1865

Born: 1837, Bridgeport, CT

Accredited to: New Hampshire

Citation:  Served on board the U.S.S. Rhode Island, which was engaged in saving the lives of the officers and crew of the Monitor, 30 December 1862. Participating in the hazardous rescue of the officers and crew of the sinking Monitor, Jones, after rescuing several of the men, became separated in a heavy gale with other members of the cutter that had set out from Rhode Island, and spent many hours in the small boat at the mercy of the weather and high seas until finally picked up by a schooner 50 miles east of Cape Hatteras. 

Private Joseph Kimball

Company B, 2nd West Virginia Cavalry,

U.S. Army • 1865

Born: Littleton, NH

Entered Service at: Ironton, OH

Place/Date: At Sailors Creek, VA, 6 April 1865

Citation:  Capture of flag of 6th North Carolina Infantry (C.S.A.). 

Corporal Charles H. Knight 

Company I, 9th New Hampshire Infantry,

U.S. Army • 1864

Born: Keene, NH

Entered Service at: Keene, NH

Place/Date: At Petersburg, VA, 30 July 1864

Citation: In company with a sergeant, was the first to enter the exploded mine; was wounded but took several prisoners to the Federal lines. 

Sergeant Henry F.W. Little

Company D, 7th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1864 

Born: Manchester, NH

Entered Service at: New Hampshire

Place/Date: Near Richmond, VA, September 1864

Citation: Gallantry on the skirmish line.  

Sergeant Henry F.W. Little

Company D, 7th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1864 

Born: Manchester, NH

Entered Service at: New Hampshire

Place/Date: Near Richmond, VA, September 1864

Citation: Gallantry on the skirmish line.  

First Sgt George M. Lovering 

Company I, 4th Massachusetts Infantry,

U.S. Army • 1863

Born: 10 January 1832, Springfield, NH

Entered Service at: East Randolph, MA

Place/Date: At Port Hudson, LA, 14 June 1863

Citation: During a momentary confusion in the ranks caused by other troops rushing upon the regiment, this soldier, with coolness and determination, rendered efficient aid in preventing a panic among the troops. 

Ordinary Seaman Charles Melville 

U.S. Navy • 1864

Born: 1828, Dover, NH 

Accredited to: New Hampshire 

Citation: On board the flagship U.S.S. Hartford during action against rebel gunboats, the ram Tennessee, and Fort Morgan in Mobile Bay, 5 August 1864. Wounded and taken below to the surgeon when a shell burst between the two forward 9 inch guns, killing and wounding 15 men, Melville promptly returned to his gun on the deck and, although scarcely able to stand, refused to go below and continued to man his post throughout the remainder of the action resulting in the capture of the rebel ram Tennessee. 

Private Solon D. Neal 

Company L, 6th U.S. Cavalry, 

U.S. Army • 1870 

Born: Hanover, NH

Entered Service at: Boston, MA

Place/Date: Wichita River, TX, 12 July 1870

Citation: Gallantry in action 

Sergeant John J. Nolan 

Company K, 8Th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1862  

Born: 24 June 1844, Ireland 

Entered Service at: Nashua, NH

 Place/Date: At Georgia Landing, LA, 27 Oct 1862 

Citation: : Although prostrated by a cannon shot, refused to give up the flag which he was carrying as color bearer of his regiment and continued to carry it at the head of the regiment throughout the engagement. 

Commmander Richard H. O’Kane 

Commander U.S.S. Tang

U.S. Navy • 1944

Born: 2 February 1911, Dover, NH 

Entered Service at New Hampshire 

Place/Date: Vicinity Philippine Islands, 23-24 October 1944 

Citation - see below.

Citation:  For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as commanding officer of the U.S.S. Tang operating against 2 enemy Japanese convoys on 23 and 24 October 1944, during her fifth and last war patrol. Boldly maneuvering on the surface into the midst of a heavily escorted convoy, Comdr. O’Kane stood in the fusillade of bullets and shells from all directions to launch smashing hits on 3 tankers, coolly swung his ship to fire at a freighter and, in a split-second decision, shot out of the path of an onrushing transport, missing it by inches. Boxed in by blazing tankers, a freighter, transport, and several destroyers, he blasted 2 of the targets with his remaining torpedoes and, with pyrotechnics bursting on all sides, cleared the area. Twenty-four hours later, he again made contact with a heavily escorted convoy steaming to support the Leyte campaign with reinforcements and supplies and with crated planes piled high on each unit. In defiance of the enemy’s relentless fire, he closed the concentration of ship and in quick succession sent 2 torpedoes each into the first and second transports and an adjacent tanker, finding his mark with each torpedo in a series of violent explosions at less than l,000-yard range. With ships bearing down from all sides, he charged the enemy at high speed, exploding the tanker in a burst of flame, smashing the transport dead in the water, and blasting the destroyer with a mighty roar which rocked the Tang from stem to stern. Expending his last 2 torpedoes into the remnants of a once powerful convoy before his own ship went down, Comdr. O’Kane, aided by his gallant command, achieved an illustrious record of heroism in combat, enhancing the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. 

Captain Harl Pease, Jr. 

Heavy Bombardment Squadron, 

U.S. Army Air Corps • 1942 

Born: Plymouth, NH

Entered Service at: Plymouth, NH

Place/Date: Near Rabaul, New Britain, 6-7 Aug 1942

Citation: See below

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action with the enemy on 6-7 August 1942. When 1 engine of the bombardment airplane of which he was pilot failed during a bombing mission over New Guinea, Capt. Pease was forced to return to a base in Australia. Knowing that all available airplanes of his group were to participate the next day in an attack on an enemy-held airdrome near Rabaul, New Britain, although he was not scheduled to take part in this mission, Capt. Pease selected the most serviceable airplane at this base and prepared it for combat, knowing that it had been found and declared unserviceable for combat missions. With the members of his combat crew, who volunteered to accompany him, he rejoined his squadron at Port Moresby, New Guinea, at 1 a.m. on 7 August, after having flown almost continuously since early the preceding morning. With only 3 hours’ rest, he took off with his squadron for the attack. Throughout the long flight to Rabaul, New Britain, he managed by skillful flying of his unserviceable airplane to maintain his position in the group. When the formation was intercepted by about 30 enemy fighter airplanes before reaching the target, Capt. Pease, on the wing which bore the brunt of the hostile attack, by gallant action and the accurate shooting by his crew, succeeded in destroying several Zeros before dropping his bombs on the hostile base as planned, this in spite of continuous enemy attacks. The fight with the enemy pursuit lasted 25 minutes until the group dived into cloud cover. After leaving the target, Capt. Pease’s aircraft fell behind the balance of the group due to unknown difficulties as a result of the combat, and was unable to reach this cover before the enemy pursuit succeeded in igniting 1 of his bomb bay tanks. He was seen to drop the flaming tank. It is believed that Capt. Pease’s airplane and crew were subsequently shot down in flames, as they did not return to their base. In voluntarily performing this mission Capt. Pease contributed materially to the success of the group, and displayed high devotion to duty, valor, and complete contempt for personal danger. His undaunted bravery has been a great inspiration to the officers and men of his unit. 

Captain Samuel E. Pingree 

Company F, 3rd Vermont Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1862 

Born: Salisbury, NH

Entered Service at: Hartford, VT

Place/Date: Lees Mills, VA, 16 April 1862

Citation: Gallantly led his company across a wide, deep creek, drove the enemy from the rifle pits, which were within 2 yards of the farther bank, and remained at the head of his men until a second time severely wounded. 

Sergeant Ryan M. Pitts 

Company C, 2d Battalion, 503d Infantry,

173d Airborne Brigade,

U.S. Army • 2008

Born: 1985, Lowell, MA

Entered Service at: Boston, MA

Residence: Nashua, NH

Place/Date: Wanat Village, Kunar Province

Afghanistan, 13 July 2008

Citation: below

Citation: Sergeant Ryan M. Pitts distinguished himself by extraordinary acts of heroism at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a Forward Observer in 2d Platoon, Chosen Company, 2d Battalion (Airborne), 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173d Airborne Brigade, during combat operations against an armed enemy at Vehicle Patrol Base Kahler in the vicinity of Wanat Village, Kunar Province, Afghanistan on July 13, 2008. Early that morning, while Sergeant Pitts was providing perimeter security at Observation Post Topside, a well-organized Anti-Afghan Force consisting of over 200 members initiated a close proximity sustained and complex assault using accurate and intense rocket-propelled grenade, machine gun and small arms fire on Wanat Vehicle Patrol Base. An immediate wave of rocket-propelled grenade rounds engulfed the Observation Post wounding Sergeant Pitts and inflicting heavy casualties. Sergeant Pitts had been knocked to the ground and was bleeding heavily from shrapnel wounds to his arm and legs, but with incredible toughness and resolve, he subsequently took control of the Observation Post and returned fire on the enemy. As the enemy drew nearer, Sergeant Pitts threw grenades, holding them after the pin was pulled and the safety lever was released to allow a nearly immediate detonation on the hostile forces. Unable to stand on his own and near death because of the severity of his wounds and blood loss, Sergeant Pitts continued to lay suppressive fire until a two-man reinforcement team arrived. Sergeant Pitts quickly assisted them by giving up his main weapon and gathering ammunition all while continually lobbing fragmentary grenades until these were expended. At this point, Sergeant Pitts crawled to the northern position radio and described the situation to the command post as the enemy continued to try and isolate the Observation Post from the main Patrol Base. With the enemy close enough for him to hear their voices and with total disregard for his own life, Sergeant Pitts whispered in radio situation reports and conveyed information that the Command Post used to provide indirect fire support. Sergeant Pitts’ courage, steadfast commitment to the defense of his unit and ability to fight while seriously wounded prevented the enemy from overrunning the Observation Post and capturing fallen American soldiers, and ultimately prevented the enemy from gaining fortified positions on higher ground from which to attack Wanat Vehicle Patrol Base. Sergeant Ryan M. Pitts’ extraordinary heroism and selflessness above and beyond the call of duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, Company C, 2d Battalion (Airborne), 503d Infantry Regiment, 173d Airborne Brigade and the United States Army. 

Sergeant George F. Robie 

Company D, 7th New Hampshire Infantry,

U.S. Army • 1864 

Born: Candia, NH

Entered service at Manchester, NH

Place/Date: Before Richmond, VA, September 1864

Citation:Gallantry on the skirmish line. 

Private Henry W. Rowe 

Company I, 11th New Hampshire Infantry,

U.S. Army   • 1864

Born: Candia, NH

Entered service at Manchester, NH

Place/Date: Before Richmond, VA, September 1864

Citation: With 2 companions, he rushed and disarmed 27 enemy pickets, capturing a stand of flags. 

Sergeant Charles J. Simons 

Company A, 9th New Hampshire Infantry,

U.S. Army • 1864

Born: India

Entered Service at: Exeter, NH

Place/Date: At Petersburg, VA, 30 July 1864

Citation: Was one of the first in the exploded mine, captured several prisoners, and was himself captured, but escaped. 

Quartermaster William Smith 

Company A, 9th New Hampshire Infantry,

U.S. Navy • 1864

Born: 1838, Ireland 

Accredited to: New Hampshire 

Citation: Served as second quartermaster on board the U.S.S. Kearsarge when she destroyed the Alabama off Cherbourg, France, 19 June 1864. Acting as captain of the 11-inch pivot gun of the second division, Smith carried out his duties courageously and deserved special notice for the deliberate and cool manner in which he acted throughout the bitter engagement. It is stated by rebel officers that this gun was more destructive and did more damage than any other gun of Kearsarge. 

Private Joseph S.G. Sweatt 

Company C, 6th Massachusetts Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1863 

Born: 23 October 1843, Boscawen, NH

Entered Service at: Lowell, MA

Place/Date: At Carrsville, VA, 15 May 1863

Citation: When ordered to retreat this soldier turned and rushed back to the front, in the face of heavy fire of the enemy, in an endeavor to rescue his wounded comrades, remaining by them until overpowered and taken prisoner. 

Private William L. S. Tabor 

Company K, 15th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1863 

Born: 1844, Methuen, MA

Entered Service at: Concord, NH

Place/Date: At the siege of Port Hudson, LA, July 1863

Citation: Voluntarily exposed himself to the enemy only a few feet away to render valuable services for the protection of his comrades. 

Sergeant William Tilton 

Company C, 7th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Army • 1864 

Born: St. Albans, VT

Entered Service at: Hanover, NH

Place/Date: At Richmond Campaign, VA, 1864

Citation: Gallant conduct in the field.

Quartermaster Samuel Todd 

Company C, 7th New Hampshire Infantry, 

U.S. Navy • 1864

Born: 1815, Portsmouth, NH

Accredited to: New Hampshire

Citation: Stationed at the conn on board the U.S.S. Brooklyn during action against rebel forts and gunboats and with the ram Tennessee in Mobile Bay, 5 August 1864. Despite severe damage to his ship and the loss of several men on board as enemy fire raked her decks from stem to stern, Todd performed his duties with outstanding skill and courage throughout the furious battle which resulted in the surrender of the prize rebel ram Tennessee and in the damaging and destruction of batteries at Fort Morgan. 

Colonel Wheelock G. Veazey 

16th Vermont Infantry,

U.S. Army • 1863

Born: 5 December 1835, Brentwood, NH

Entered Service at: Springfield, VT

Place/Date: At Gettysburg, PA, 3 July 1863

Citation: Rapidly assembled his regiment and charged the enemy’s flank; charged front under heavy fire, and charged and destroyed a Confederate brigade, all this with new troops in their first battle. 

Private Walter S. West 

U.S. Marine Corps • 1898

Born: 13 March 1872, Bradford, NH

Accredited to: New Hampshire

Citation: On board the U.S.S. Marblehead during the operation of cutting the cable leading from Cienfuegos, Cuba, 11 May 1898. Facing the heavy fire of the enemy, West displayed extraordinary bravery and coolness throughout this action. 

Sergeant William H. Wilcox 

Company G, 9th New Hampshire Infantry,

U.S. Army • 1864

Born: Lempster, NH

Entered Service at: Lempster, NH

Place/Date: At Spotsylvania, VA, 12 May 1864

Citation: Took command of his company, deployed as skirmishers, after the officers in command of the skirmish line had both been wounded, conducting himself gallantly; afterwards, becoming separated from command, he asked and obtained permission to fight in another company. 

Sergeant Leander A. Wilkins 

Company G, 9th New Hampshire Infantry,

Born: Lancaster, NH

Entered Service at: Northumberland, NH

Place/Date: At Petersburg, VA, 30 July 1864

Citation: Recaptured the colors of 21st Massachusetts Infantry in a hand-to-hand encounter  

Assistant Surgeon Leonard Wood 

U.S. Army • 1886

Born: Winchester, NH

Entered Service at: Massachusetts

Place/Date: In Apache campaign, summer 1886

Citation: Voluntarily carried dispatches through a region infested with hostile Indians, making a journey of 70 miles in one night and walking 30 miles the next day. Also for several weeks, while in close pursuit of Geronimo’s band and constantly expecting an encounter, commanded a detachment of Infantry, which was then without an officer, and to the command of which he was assigned upon his own request. 

Sergeant Eri D. Woodbury 

Company E, 1st Vermont Cavalry,

U.S. Army • 1864

Born: Francistown, NH

Entered Service at: St. Johnsbury, VT

Place/Date: At Cedar Creek, VA

Citation: During the regiment’s charge when the enemy was in retreat Sgt. Woodbury encountered 4 Confederate infantrymen retreating. He drew his saber and ordered them to surrender, overcoming by his determined actions their willingness to further resist. They surrendered to him together with their rifles and 12th North Carolina (C.S.A.) regimental flag.